Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dun Aengus - Success!

Dun Aengus fort.... another trip highlight

When I started looking into going to Ireland, this fort on the Aran Islands off the West coast was the 'peach'. Whatever I was doing, I was going to Dun Aengus. The whole concept off a semi-circular ring fort as the last place to stand, with the ocean 300 feet below. If they breach the walls, you can die quickly by sword, or perhaps choose the slightly longer option.

I'm finished with the walking, seen the sites I had to get to and am spending today shopping for souvenirs. Am not going to make it up north. Would involve too much travelling. Going to tool around Galway for a day or two (Connemara), then make my way to London. Still haven't decided on RyanAir, the train or the bus. Would like to take the train. Will decide tomorrow.

It's Sunday (my day off ) and will read the papers, drink some tea and collect my thoughts.

Bruce: See you next week, we'll compare notes...see who drank the most beer. Tried a few other Irish beers, but Guinness is just so good...

Cheers! Bruce


Anonymous said...

Ireland is truly a magical place. I cannot understand why my mother wanted to leave it so badly - a different life in a different time.
What a fabulous trip for you Bruce. You sound better than you have in years - freedom and no responsibilities, except to take in the flavour of the Emerald Isle.
Look forward to seeing you when you get back. Safe journey.
Nancy W

Bruce Duffy said...

-Up until the other day you would have won hands down (glass up?). By accident, or really not understanding Spanish, we went to a restaurant for supper and each ordered a Corona--not realizing we were in happy hour(2x1)The next day we had lunch there--thinking 12:00 noon would not be happy hour, each ordered a Corona. Wrong, again the waiter brought 4 cerveses. Four beer at $1.50--can't pass up a bargain, eh!


Anonymous said...

I cracked a Guinness yesterday to help navigate my way through the NY Times X-word. However, it fell short and I had to call upon an Austrian Steigl to coax me across the finish line.

We still haven't made a decision on our 2006 vacation location. Thanks to you, Ireland looks very tempting.


Anonymous said...

Hey dad!!! I'm so glad you had such a great time in Ireland, it's funny but somehow just knowing you're even furthur away than usual made me miss you more...not sure how that works. Dun Aengus fort sounds awesome, I love that kind of stuff. But I noticed you haven't mentioned much about tracing the family history...too many Murphy's around? If you can, bring me back something cool like a trinket made by a little old Irish lady or something...I probably should have asked for that at the start of the trip. Ah well, Thanks for the phone calls, miss you.

love, mle :)

bcmurphy said...


Got you something handmade and very cool!

Love Dad